Monday 24 May 2010

Operation Sunflower - Part Two (Who Is Pete Potts?)

There was more hard graft along the fence on Saturday morning, and as you can see, we did a pretty good job! The back is definitely broken on the clearing up, all that Dad needs to do is finish off the last few bits then prepare the soil in readiness for the seedlings.

Sam caught someone out while they were skiving....

We're using peat pots to get the flowers going, that way we can just stick them straight into the ground. 48 peat pots from Poundland and a bag of compost from the same place takes the total spend on this project to a whopping £2. And Sam did, really, ask "Who is Pete Potts?" when I was outlining the day's itinerary.

Planting seeds is great fun, and a very pleasant, tactile activity whether you're six, or forty two.....

Last job of the day was to thoroughly water the seeds into their new homes.

1 comment:

Z said...

You probably already know this and won't make the mistake I once did - but do make sure the pots are saturated and roots already growing through when you plant them out, otherwise they restrain the roots which never do break through.