Tuesday 8 June 2010

Legoland 2010

We love Legoland. It's a magical place for children, and for the parents of children who enjoy watching them lose themselves in fun.

I didn't take too many photos this time round, I chose to "do" rather than "record". And we "did" a lot. Above you can see Sam racing out of the training area on the Driving School - on his previous visits he has been on the L Driver ride, because he was under six years old.

We especially enjoyed the live show at the mini amphitheatre, this year it was The Pirates Of Skeleton Bay. Great knockabout stuff with plenty of splashing in the drink and audience participation. We've been singing the "theme" tune ever since ("We're the prates, HEY, the pirates, HEY, everything's done in the pirate way, the pirates, HEY, the pirates, HEY, we're the pirates of Skeleton Bay!").

A huge improvement this visit was our hotel deal. We stayed at the Premier Inn next to Heathrow - and if a hotel stay wasn't exciting enough for a six year old, then a hotel next to Britain's biggest airport totally rocks! Below you can see Sam's opinion, we had a great view of British Airways' hangar and watched jets being towed in and out. And Sam shouted abuse out of the car window at the striking BA cabin crew who littered the surrounding junctions. "Shut up!" and "Can my Dad have your job?" were his mots superbe. And this before we knew I would be looking for another job.

What can be better after a long drive or a tough day having fun, than takeaway food eaten on your bed while watching telly? I recommend the Premier Inn's own pizzas! So does Sam. Fish and chips were the chosen food for the second night. We balanced this out by taking a bagful of fruit to Legoland each day and tucking in whenever we found ourselves queueing for the next ride.

Legoland - recommended.
Premier Inn, Heathrow - doubly recommended!
We had a memorable, wonderful, exciting, explorative time. See you again soon, we hope.

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