Sunday 18 April 2010

Oxburgh Hall - Knight School

Oxburgh Hall is one of our favourite places, and we always have a lot of fun when we go there. On Saturday they held a "Knights, Damsels & Dragons" day. First job was to follow the Armour Trail, noting down the names of each piece of a suit of armour.

Sam got himself fitted in armour to undergo training at Knight School.

The sword was very heavy and Sam didn't manage to hold it straight ahead for very long.

Before killing your enemy it was considered good manners to salute him....

....then you slice his bonce off.

Sam passed the school test with flying colours and was knighted as Sir Sam of Oxford....or was he beheaded?

And so to the archery practice. Sam proved to be quite handy with the bow....

....and hit the target four out of five times, as you can see. Nice shootin' Tex.

Oxburgh Hall is a beautiful little place, and I love being there. The weather is usually beautiful there as well.

Before we made our way home there was enough time for a lesson in how sundials work....

....enough time to give Dad a grass hat....

....and enough time for some impressive rolling down hills. Great day!

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