Saturday 24 April 2010

Airing The Tent

We did an important job today, one that will hopefully become a lovely annual milestone of the year's progress. We aired the tent.

We only put it up loosely, no need to batten down the hatches for just a few hours. Plus, the delightful weather posed no threat to our portable home.

Sam tried his sleeping bag too, and virtually melted within a minute. Note his cavernous bedroom in the tent....while I tried out my tiny prison cell as well!

So, job well done. We loved all our expeditions last year (even the night spent awake, expecting the tent to lift off every minute, as we camped through the tail-end of Hurricane Bill hitting the UK - it was fun the morning after!), I hope this year is as much fun!

1 comment:

Manda said...

Thats a fantastic tent. Enjoy the camping, its great fun even when its dodgy weather!