Monday 24 August 2015

24 August 2015 - The Kelpies

Today we visited something quite amazing, a huge feat of engineering. But before that we went to see The Kelpies. Two massive steel horse heads thrusting skywards from the Stirlingshire countryside.

To be honest they are quite impressive. It was nice for us to see them, walk around them. Make horsey noises near them. But don't expect anything more than two big metal sculptures.

Walking around the Kelpies is free, but you will have to pay £2 to park. There is plenty of room though, so take advantage of the space and use as much of it as you can.

Oh, I forgot to mention, you "can" pay £6.95 for a 45 minute guided tour. Quite how they fill that amount of time I don't know! We chose against.

We weren't disappointed, because it's a nice spot and the sculptures are big and horsey. Maybe this will be a better activity when the Visitors Centre is opened.

In summary - worth a look, but don't expect to make a whole day of it.

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