Friday 16 August 2013

16 August 2013 - Stirling Castle

If it's Friday we must be at Stirling Castle!

A morning stroll around Stirling revealed more buskers than you want to see, the world's worst toyshop, an Argos catalogue for Sam to work out how to spend his spends, and our dinner of choice, a foot-long sub each from Subway. Did you know that you can't have sweetcorn on your sub in Scotland? Then it was a pleasant walk up the hill to our favourite castle, Stirling Castle....

We love it because it's very "castle-y". There are nooks and crannies and guard turrets and passageways and battlements and it's all very exciting if you like exploring and using your imagination.

More castle-ness. There are oodles of stories and myths, which you can have retold in animated and enjoyable style on one of the guided tours, which we recommend.

The gun batteries are impressive and are dotted around at random places - you walk around a corner and there's another one! The Main Battery over the kitchens was badly designed, if all the guns were fired simultaneously the floor would collapse and the whole lot descend into the rooms below.

And wow, Stirling Castle is HIGH up. This is a picture of a nearby dual carriageway, and those are real lorries and cars.  In places there are no guard rails which makes you feel really edgy and nervy.

The modern way in hasn't always been the main entrance - it used to be this, the North Gate, with it's ingenious S-shape design, which would enable defenders to pick off intruders as they appeared around the corner.

The walk up to and down from the castle is interesting with many impressive old buildings, such as this one with it's stern warning - "Quarrelling Is Taboo". Play nicely children....

And tonight's fish supper was brought to you by K&K Fish Bar in Leslie. £4.30 for two good size, delicious pieces of haddock and a mountain of excellent, slightly soggy chips. Four stars!

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