Wednesday 4 July 2012

How To Cause An International Incident Using Only A Frisbee Made Of Bread

A few weeks ago - quite a few weeks ago - we were larking around outside.  We'd fed the birds and left a couple of mouldy crusts intact for them.  For reasons unknown we started using one of the crusts as a "bread frisbee" - hilarious!

Until.  It.  Happened.

Sam took a throw but hooked it horribly.  The mouldy crust flew at a million miles an hour straight through the open door of our eastern European neighbours.  NOOOOO!  We were expecting an angry outpouring, but nothing happened.  Our neighbours must have been in the bathroom, or putting out the rubbish, or time we saw them we 'fessed up to our high spirits, and told them that "somewhere" in their flat was an aged slice of crusty bread.  They didn't bat an eyelid.

Now, many weeks later we spotted some broken pieces of very hard, very old bread crust scattered "almost" deliberately outside our own back door.  Seems that they found it in the end....

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