Wednesday 10 March 2010

Guess Who Chopped Their Thumb Off....

Not the whole thing of course! Just a little bit.

It happened on Monday while I was chopping our veg for the week. The knife went a bit off line, I felt a sharp pain, and blood squirted out of the thumb onto the floor. All very dramatic.

Refusing to panic, I looked at the knife. There was a contact-lens shaped piece of thumb stuck to one side of it. I nearly threw up on the spot.

Of course, it's basically just a cut, so it was washed, dressed, elevated, but kept bleeding. I made a promise to myself that if the blood didn't stop within 90 minutes I'd deliver myself to A&E, but the flow stemmed itself with twenty minutes of my time limit to go.
I think I lost a decent amount of blood. I've also found that life with only one thumb is more awkward than I'd imagine. Tieing shoe laces is particularly difficult, and delivering the papers this morning is going to be unpleasant.
My advice is - don't chop the very end of your thumb off.


Z said...

I hope you resisted the temptation to add that extra bit of protein to your dinner.

And if you nearly threw up, so did I at the picture. Ew. Hope the agony is abating.

Manda said...

Me too, I was nearly throwing up and felt all dizzy!!!!!! Ouch!